Re-Enrollment a Withdrawn Student

A regular student who officially withdraws from the college may be re-admitted after two regular semesters. A Part-time student may be re-admitted after one regular semester.

Implementation Procedures:
  1. A student whose study interruption period does not exceed two regular semesters as of the date of withdrawal may resume his studies, and therefore all the courses he has already completed and the grades he has earned are to be computed for him.
  2. A student whose study interruption period is more than two semesters as of the date of withdrawal may resume his studies. However, computing the previous courses and grades depends on the sanction of the department concerned.
  3. The re-admitted student may change his major if there is no conflict to the transfer within the college rules.
  4. The study interruption period resulting in an official withdrawal will not be counted as part of the maximum period allowed for obtaining the degree.
  5. A student whose study interruption is four regular semesters or more shall be deemed as a new student with a new ID number and record and all admission requirements will be applied on him.
  6. A student can be given only one chance to be re-admitted.
  7. A student can not be admitted to the college if he was dismissed from another college or university for moral reasons. If the said reasons were discovered after the enrollment of the student, he will be dismissed from the college.
Student Re-Admission to the Regular Program

A student may be re-admitted to the regular program according to the following procedures:

  1. A student who obtains C grade in all improvement courses will be re-admitted to the regular program.
  2. The courses a student passes in the improvement program will be added to the student’s academic record when he is re-admitted to the regular program.