1. Commitment:
    Jubail Industrial College (JIC) is fully committed to ensure, maintain, and sustain a healthy and safe workplace for its faculty, staff, students, trainees, and visitors.
  2. Accountability:
    JIC College council (CC) has the endmost responsibility for the college OHS performance. CC is committed to providing support, direction, and resources to ensure that the college meets its commitments to Occupational Health & Safety.
  3. Responsibility:
    Safety is first and everyone's responsibility. JIC encourages line managers (Managing Director, College Deputies, and Heads of departments) to promote safe and healthy working environments and conditions that help in the prevention of any work-related injury and illness. This includes the implementation of effective processes, procedures, and technologies to minimize and/or eliminate any work hazards.

    All faculty, staff members, and students are responsible for adhering to JIC-OHS policies and procedures and they must safely complete their work and report any work hazards, accidents, or incidents to their direct supervisors (HODs and/or teachers).
  4. JIC Safety Procedures
    4.1 General Labs and Workshops Safety Procedures
    • The safety coordinator in each department shall coordinate with the chairman, lab/workshop custodians, and all staff members to ensure a safe work environment in the department. The job description for safety coordinator is provided in Appendix A.
    • Risk management shall be kept current and effective through the annual risk assessment process. The new hazards shall be identified and controlled.
    • The safety coordinator shall conduct risk assessments annually to identify hazards in each lab and their control measure in coordination with lab custodians using the risk assessment form in Appendix B.
    • The location for the first aid kit, fire alarm, fire extinguisher, emergency telephone, emergency showers, eyewashes, fire extinguishers, fire alarms, and spill kits shall be properly marked in the labs. The lab safety coordinators shall ensure that all safety-related equipment is available in working condition.
    • Good housekeeping practices in the labs shall be adopted strictly to minimize unsafe work conditions. There shall be no cluttered chairs or benches, and accumulated chemical waste.
    • Students and staff members shall wear the personal protective equipment applicable to the concerned lab including lab coats, gloves, safety shoes, safety goggles, and any other special PPE as required. The lab safety coordinator shall ensure necessary supplies for PPE in all labs.
    • All the chemicals shall be properly labeled to identify the contents in the container and hazard information along with expiry dates. Chemicals must be stored by hazard groups and chemical compatibilities. Review the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) and container label before using a chemical.
    • All the machines shall be provided with proper guards and interlocks. For any machine without proper guards, the safety coordinator shall ensure the availability of proper PPE and face shield.
    • All the tools and equipment should be maintained in proper working conditions. Broken hand tools must be replaced immediately.
    • Switch off all electrical equipment when not in use. Electrical wires shall not be dispersed in the labs. Any electrical repair shall only be done by qualified staff.
    • Use fume hoods as experiments and processes involving chemicals may result in the release of toxic or flammable vapors, fumes, or dust. Periodical maintenance of fume hoods shall be conducted to ensure safe operation.
    • Proper ventilation arrangement shall also be provided for the labs with chemicals and combustible materials.
    • The compressors should be equipped with pressure-relief valves and pressure gauges.
    • Hearing protective equipment must be used near the machines and areas where noise level goes beyond 90 dB
    • All the exits from the lab shall be free from all obstructions. All the entrances of the lab shall be locked properly by the end of the day to avoid unauthorized entry.
    • Proper safety signs and posters need to be provided near hazardous and flammable materials.
    • Eating, drinking, and smoking are not allowed in the labs under any circumstances.
    • Working alone in the lab is not allowed prior information to the lab custodian or course director. Any activity that may lead to potential hazards shall be strictly avoided after working hours.
    • The students shall attend the lab in proper college uniforms and safety shoes. Students shall also wear lab coats wherever they are required to be compulsory. The staff members shall also wear appropriate clothing in the lab with shoes providing full coverage of the feet.
    • Computing resources in the lab shall be secured using a combination of the physical and software-based methods to ensure the safety and security of students, faculty, staff, equipment, and computer network.
    • The cover of any equipment in the lab shall not be opened or removed.
    • Do not use wet hands whenever using electrical items like plugs and switches.
    • Avoid coming very close to any rotating component of the equipment.
    • The lab shall be kept free of spilled liquid. Floors and walkways should be maintained dry at all times
    • Laboratories shall remain locked during non-scheduled hours.
    • The regular safety inspection for the labs shall be conducted under the supervision of the lab safety coordinator in coordination with lab custodians using the safety inspection checklist form in Appendix C and all required corrective actions shall be reported to the chairman for implementation.
    • 4.2 Safety Procedures for JIC Chemical Stores
    • The identity for all hazardous chemicals and their appropriate hazard warning shall be labeled.
    • All incompatible chemicals shall be segregated and stored properly by hazard class. The storage of the chemicals shall not be done alphabetically unless compatible.
    • Flammable liquids shall be properly stored in a special cabinet for flammable material. The cabinet door shall be kept locked when not in use. The acids shall be stored in a dedicated cabinet while highly toxic or controlled material shall be locked in a special cabinet designed for that material.
    • Chemical fume hoods shall not be used for the storage of chemicals.
    • Proper air conditioning and ventilation systems shall be provided for the chemical storage room.
    • First aid supplies, fire extinguishers, personal protective equipment, emergency phone numbers, eyewash, and emergency shower equipment, and spill cleanup supplies shall be made readily available and all the personnel using chemical store shall be trained to use them.
    • If any gas cylinder is required to be used in the chemical store, it shall be chained properly and used with special care.
    • All the chemicals in the store shall be kept away from heat and direct sunlight.
    • Safety Data Sheet (SDS) must be available for every hazardous chemical in your workplace. SDSs shall be provided by the manufacturer or distributor of chemicals purchased at the time of delivery. SDS must be reviewed before using chemicals.
    • The inspection for the chemical storage room shall be conducted monthly by the safety coordinator as per the inspection form provided in Appendix D.

     4.3 Emergency Preparedness for Students, Faculty. Staff, Trainees, and Visitors

    To be well prepared against emergencies such as fire, hazardous material (biological, chemical, and radioactive materials) spills, personnel contamination, high voltage transients, or power failures that can occur in laboratories and workshops, all staff members and students shall strictly follow the below procedures.

     4.3.1. Fire Prevention

    1. Identify the location of alarms and extinguishers. Know how to use them.
    2. Know the location of the fire blanket and how to use it.
    3. Leave fire doors closed at all times.
    4. Clear obstructed corridors, aisles, and room emergency exits.
    5. Only grounded electrical plugs shall be used. Use of the extension cords and multiple outlets shall be limited.  
    6. Do not use mechanical rooms or utility rooms for storage.
    7. Do not smoke in college buildings.

    4.3.2. Emergency preparedness in Labs

    1. Enforce a clean and safe work environment.
    1. Post lab safety procedures in the labs.
    2. Maintain inventory, label chemicals, and separate incompatibles.
    3. Provide proper signs and instructions on cabinets and storage containing flammable materials.
    4. Access to the fire extinguisher, eye washer, showers, and emergency telephone shall be provided noticeably without obstructions.
    5. Maintain records of Safety Data Sheets.
    6. Inspect emergency power options.
    7. Avoid high storage of heavy items.
    8. The cabinet door shall be latched properly.
    9. Equipment and furniture in labs shall be fixed properly.
    10. Machine Guards and Interlocks shall work properly.
    11. Chain compressed gas cylinders.
    12. Mobile carts shall not be used to store hazardous materials.
    13. Arrange proper disposal of chemical waste.
    14. Emergency exit shall be visible and without any obstruction.
    15. The first aid kit shall be maintained in a dedicated cabinet including all essential medicines, bandages, sterilized cotton, and antiseptics with proper expiry dates.
    16. Safety signs and high voltage signs shall be properly displayed in the lab.

    4.3.3. Emergency Communication

    Depending on what is appropriate for the situation, information about emergency contact numbers shall available within the labs.

    1. Ambulance Service (997)
    2. Civil Defense (998)
    3. Police (999)
    4. JIC Clinic (2524)
    5. Main gate Security (2195)
    6. West gate Security (2190)
    7. RC Industrial Security Operations (0133417777)
    8. JIC control room (3402176/2006)
    9. Safety Coordinator.
    10. Chairman office.

    4.4 What to do when an emergency occurs?

    4.4.1. Fire

    1. Call Civil Defense (998)
    2. Activate the nearest alarm.
    3. Check the doors for heat. If the door is cool, exit carefully. If the door is hot, do not open the door. Stay where you are.
    4. In case you see smoke, crouch near the floor as you exit.
    5. In case you see fire, confine it by closing doors and windows.
    6. Small fire shall be extinguished using fire extinguishers if it is safe to do so.
    7. PULL the Pin, AIM at the base of the fire.
    8. SQUEEZE the nozzle, SWEEP back and forth.
    1. In case of evacuation during a fire incident, never use the elevator.
    2. Go outdoors to the Emergency Assembly Point (EAP).

    4.4.2. Hazardous Material Spill

    I)      MINOR release in the lab

    1. Use eyewash, rinse, or shower as required.
    2. Move persons immediately in a safe area if necessary.
    3. Clean spill if you have suitable training.
    4. Wear proper protective equipment.
    5. Use the appropriate kit to contain, neutralize and absorb the spill.
    6. Collect, containerize and label waste.
    7. For the removal of chemical waste, contact the safety coordinator immediately.

    II)   MAJOR release in the lab

    1. Assist injured persons.
    2. Isolate contaminated persons immediately.
    3. Close doors or restrict access to the spill site.
    4. Alert Safety Coordinator and Department Chairman.
    5. Follow evacuation instructions precisely.
    6. Call Royal Commission Industrial Security Department to report the spill.

    4.4.3 Accidents and Incidents

    1. Call Lab Safety Coordinator immediately for further action.
    2. Administer first aid if you are trained to do so.
    3. Fill the incident report form in Appendix E to report the incident.