Student Disciplinary Guide


General Rules and Regulations

The Disciplinary Committee & its Responsibilities

Violations Subject To Penalty

Disciplinary Penalties

Final Articles



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General Rules and Regulations

Article One:

The terminology used throughout this manual has been used with the meanings written next to them as follows:

  1. The College – Jubail Industrial College

  2. Student – Anyone enrolled in a program of study at the College regardless of his academic level or nationality.

  3. Beneficiary - Any student associated with another organization but benefits from the services and facilities of the College.

  4. Disciplinary Committee – The Disciplinary Committee formed by a directive of the Managing Director of the College and is responsible for taking the appropriate disciplinary measures administered to any student who violates the rules of the College.

  5. Violation – Anything which contravenes the rules, regulations and directives of the College.

  6. Penalty – The punitive decision administered to a student, beneficiary or any other person hereby mentioned in this handbook.

Article Two:

 The procedures in this handbook are concerned with the following:

  1. Regulating students' and similar persons' behavior inside the College or in any of its facilities.

  2. Correcting a student who has violated the rules and regulations and dealing with his behavior in a manner consistent with contemporary educational practices.

  3. Adopting the necessary disciplinary action for any student who violates the rules and regulations implemented at the College.

Article Three:

Any student enrolled in the College or one of its training programs and/or courses, regardless of its nature or level, or any graduate student or beneficiary of the College's services and/or facilities is subject to the directives of the governing rules and regulations of the Royal Commission of Jubail and Yanbu.

Article Four:

The authority responsible for implementing the directives in this handbook is the Student Affairs Department in cooperation with the relevant authorities of the College. 

Article Five:

The disciplinary measures stated in this handbook are not applicable to students or beneficiaries who engage in prohibited activities outside of the College; nor is the College or its related organizations affected whatsoever.




The Disciplinary Committee & its Responsibilities

Article Six:

A disciplinary committee is formed by a decision by the Managing Director of the College and serves for one academic year and is comprised of the following individuals:

  1. A representative from the Student Affairs Department will serve as the chairman of the Committee
  2. A member from the Security Unit
  3. A member from the Housing Unit
  4. A member from the Guidance and Counseling Unit
  5. A member of the Industrial Relations Department
  6. A member from the teaching staff
  7. A member of who has been nominated by the Managing Director of the College

Article Seven:

The Disciplinary Committee investigates offenses which have been submitted to it by the Managing Director or College deputies, or administrative managers of the College.

Article Eight:

The Disciplinary Committee convenes when the need arises or at the behest of the head of the Committee. A meeting is not to be considered official unless a third of the members are present. The rulings of the Committee are decided upon after majority vote. If committee members are equally sided regarding a decision, the head of the committee is given the power of the vote. 

Article Nine:

The Disciplinary Committee carries out the mandates stipulated for it in this handbook and the Committee has the right to corroborate with a student to affirm that an investigation has taken place regarding the alleged offense he has been accused of. The Committee also has the right to listen to his statements regarding the offense as it has the right to invite any concerned parties, if the need arises, to listen to his statements. 

Article Ten:

The penalty administered by the Disciplinary Committee to a student who has violated the rules and regulations of the College must be one of the penalties listed in this handbook under article fifteen (15).

Article Eleven:

A committee member is replaced in the event that he is one of the parties in an ongoing investigation.



Violations Subject To Penalty


Article Twelve:

Disciplinary measures are justified for any student or beneficiary who commits an offense which violates the laws of Islamic Shari'ah and its code of ethics or the rules and regulations of the College including:

  1. Committing any action or making any statement which offends the religion of Islam or any of its prominent figureheads.
  2. Committing any action or making any statement which degrades honor and dignity or defies modesty, and/or any statement or action which contradicts good character, behavior and moral standards whilst inside the College.
  3. Committing any action or making any statement outside of the College which negatively affects the College.
  4. Engaging in any conduct which is contrary to the ethics of a student such as imitating the opposite sex, elongating one's fingernails, cutting one's hair in an inappropriate manner, or failing to comply with the authorized uniform whilst in classrooms, workshops, and laboratories or the appropriate dress code whilst in other areas of the College.
  5. Disturbing lectures, workshops, labs, and/or other activities conducted in the College, in student dormitories, or inside any the various methods of transportation inside the College or directly or indirectly in any of the College's facilities.
  6. Forging documents or official paperwork issued from the College or outside of the College. Also, destroying any of the aforementioned documents and/or paperwork or partially destroying their contents intentionally or using unlawful means to obtain the aforesaid documents and/or paperwork.
  7. Having another student enter into the exam on his behalf or the student himself entering into an exam on behalf of another student.
  8. Cheating or attempting to cheat on an exam. Likewise, plagiarizing on reports, assignments, graduation projects, or violating exam policies and procedures and/or the conduct necessary whilst engaging in exams.   
  9. Destroying or attempting to destroy of any of the College's buildings, facilities, and/or its properties. Similarly, altering or destroying the furniture in the dormitories or any of its constituents as well as desecrating any of the buildings in the College by writing on the walls or similar forms of vandalism.  
  10. Smoking inside the buildings of College or any of its facilities or any other places designated as a non smoking area.
  11. Failing to maintain the cleanliness of the College and its facilities.
  12. Discontinuing living in the dormitories without prior written notification to the Student Accommodation Unit for a period of more than fourteen days without an accepted excuse or being present in the dormitories yet failing to attend lectures. Also, housing an individual inside the dormitory who is not authorized for housing without prior consent from the Student Accommodation Unit or bringing someone into the premises of the College without prior written consent.
  13. Failing to appear for an investigation or failure to comply with the penalty administered by the concerned authorities.
  14.  Committing traffic violations on campus. 
  15. Carrying out any modifications, alterations, or transferring of any of the contents of the student dormitories, labs, classrooms, or the college library without prior approval from the concerned authorities.
  16. Misusing of all forms of student transportation like buses or similar vehicles. 
  17. Verbally or physically assaulting employees of the College, including teaching faculty, staff, students, or employees from the companies and organizations working or investing in the College. In addition, insulting the abovementioned parties or stealing/ destroying their wealth or property.
  18. Possessing devices, films, pictures, tapes, newspapers, or magazines which contradict Islamic morals and ethics while on the College's campus, any of its facilities or the student dormitories.
  19. Carrying firearms, knives, any combustible substances or possessing or distributing narcotic drugs or circulating counterfeit money or similar articles whilst on the campus of the College.
  20. Organizing committees, conferences, societies, producing and distributing brochures, newspapers, magazines or collecting money or signatures without prior authorization from the concerned College authorities. Likewise, providing the press including magazines, newspapers or any other form of media or social networks the internet in general with incorrect information.
  21. Stealing or attempting to steal inside of the College whether it is material objects (i.e. money, equipment, tools, or devices, etc.) or scientific/intellectual material (i.e. research, graduation projects, assignments, etc.) or attempting to illegally seize the abovementioned materials.
  22. Inciting tribal or sectarian sedition or dissension and/or encouraging it.
  23. Lying or spreading rumors on the College's campus.

Article Thirteen

Any student who commits any of the aforementioned violations listed in item 8 of article 12 will be subject to the following rules:

  1. Any student who cheats or is caught attempting to do so for the first time will be prevented from attaining a course assessment mark and will be considered as having failed the subject .
  2. Any student found to have cheated more than once or attempting to cheat for a second time will be prevented from attaining a course assessment mark and will be considered as having failed the course along with being suspended from the College for the following main semester. In addition, he will be denied his monthly stipend for that semester and will not be permitted to register for the summer session. 
  3. Any student who is caught cheating or attempting to cheat for a third time will be permanently dismissed from the College.
  4. All materials used in any incidence of cheating will be retained, regardless of the nature of the materials used whilst cheating, until the stipulated punishment listed in this manual has been implemented.

Article Fourteen

The procedural policies for investigating instances of cheating are as follows:

  1. Whoever is caught in the act of cheating or attempting to do so during any exam is to be dismissed from the exam hall or classroom by the test supervisor who then submits an incident report and the material used by the student to the College Deputy of Education and Training affairs so that the student's case is referred to the Disciplinary Committee in order to decide the appropriate penalty as detailed in articles 13 and 15.
  2. Any student who commits any other violation inside of the examination venues is to be warned by the exam proctor if the violation necessitates simply issuing a warning. If the violation is repeated or requires more than a warning, the test supervisor is to dismiss the violating student from the exam venue and submit an incident report detailing what happened to the College Deputy for Educational and Training Affairs so that the student' case can be referred to can the Disciplinary Committee in order to decide the suitable penalty.



Disciplinary Penalties

Article Fifteen:

The penalties which are administered to a violating student and are not to exceed two penalties per violation are as follows:

  1. A verbal or written warning after which the student signs a written assurance to not repeat the violation.
  2. A written warning.
  3. A monetary fine.
  4. Assigning the student mandatory work (hourly work without pay) for the department or unit in which the student committed the violation or another department or unit  for a duration which is not to exceed one semester.
  5. Temporary prevention from some of the services and benefits given to students such as student activities, trips, visits, etc. for a duration not to exceed two semesters.
  6. Being prohibited from living in student accommodation for a duration not exceeding one semester. 
  7. Being permanently prohibited from living in student dormitories.
  8. Prohibiting the student from sitting for an exam in one or more courses for the duration of one semester. 
  9. Cancelling a student's exam results for no more than three courses of which the student is to be considered as having failed.
  10. Suspension from academic studies for a period of one semester along with deferment of the student's monthly stipend.
  11. Suspension from academic studies for a period of two semesters along with deferment the student's monthly stipend.
  12. Postponement of the student's graduation for a period of one semester.
  13. Permanent dismissal from the College.

Article Sixteen:

Under all circumstances, the College reserves the right to make a student or beneficiary incur the costs of anything destroyed or damaged by him in addition to the costs incurred for repairs, installment or any other related work.


Article Seventeen:

The Managing Director of the College has the right to administer all of the penalties detailed in article 15 when the situation of the violating person requires special circumstances, confidentiality or exceptional cases.

Article Eighteen:

The Managing Director of the College has the right to delegate total or partial authority to whomever he considers as being suitable, if the need arises, after consulting the chairman of the committee.

 Article Nineteen:

The Disciplinary Committee Chairman has the right to administer the penalties detailed in items 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 under article 15 without referring back to the Committee.

Article Twenty:

The penalties listed in article 15 must be implemented gradually and must be consistent with the severity of the violation in addition to taking into consideration previous violations, situations, and circumstances.

Article Twenty-One:

The authority which administers a penalty for a violating student as per articles 18 and 19 must inform the Student Affairs Department by sending a copy of its decision at the time of its issuance so as to assume its implementation.

Article Twenty-Two:

All of the penalties listed under Article 15, with the exception of items 1,2 and 3, are not administered until an investigation has been conducted with the student in which his statements are heard and written down regarding the violation he is alleged to have committed. He forgoes his right to offer his version of events if he is absent for his interview, which he is previously notified of, unless he has an accepted excuse. The appropriate penalty will be decided in his absence. 

Article Twenty-Three:

The student has the right to present his grievances to the Managing Director with regards to any penalty under Article 15 issued against him in accordance to the following conditions:

  1. The student must present his grievance within a maximum of 14 days from the date the penalty was issued.
  2. Presenting new evidence related to the case.
  3. Following any other directives stipulated by the College Council.

The Managing Director has the right to refer the student's case back to the Disciplinary Committee to re-examine the case.  Consequently, the Committee's decision is considered final.

Article Twenty-Four:

In the case of permanent dismissal from the College, the student is not allowed to benefit from any of the services offered by the College or to be re-admitted. The decision of permanent dismissal is sent to the concerned authorities inside and outside of the College immediately for implementation within a period not exceeding seven days from the date of issuance.

Article Twenty-Five:

A student is not excused from any penalty under the pretext that he did not know the rules and regulations of the College or instructions issued by the College. It is the responsibility of the Student Affairs Department to publish the regulations of this manual and to announce them using all available resources at the beginning of each academic semester. 

Article Twenty-Six

The Guidance and Counseling Unit of the Student Affairs Department is delegated the responsibility of following up the implementation of any disciplinary decision to be taken against a student and taking any behavior modification measures. The Guidance and Counseling Unit is to send a report with the results to the College Deputy of Student Affairs including the recommendations it deems appropriate.





Final Articles

Article Twenty-Seven:

The chairman of the Disciplinary Committee submits the committee minutes of meetings to the Managing Director of the College for approval of its recommendations and the College Deputy for Student Affairs is responsible for implementing the disciplinary decisions taken against violating students.  

Article Twenty-Eight:

Department managers, chairmen, teaching faculty and College staff are responsible for following up and monitoring student behavior in accordance with the rules and regulations of the College. In the event of any violation which takes place inside of the College or any of its facilities, the responsible individual is to report the violation to the concerned authority by any means available.

Article Twenty-Nine:

The decisions resulting in disciplinary actions taken against a student are kept in the student's academic record. The Student Affairs Department is to inform the student (and his guardian, if the situation requires) of any disciplinary action to be taken against him once the decision has been taken in a period not to exceed 7 days from the date of issuance. In addition, the authority which issues the disciplinary action can announce the decision throughout the College's facilities upon the approval of the Managing Director of the College.

Article Thirty:

The implementation of this manual is effective starting from the date of the approval of the College Council.

Article Thirty-One:

This manual cancels anything contrary to its content from previous manuals and/or directives related to the issues addressed herein.

Article Thirty-Two:

The College Council of Jubail Industrial College suggests any amendments that this manual may need in addition to the procedural policies regarding its implementation of its articles. 


Article Thirty-Three:

The College Council has the right to interpret this manual. In addition, any additional decisions and/or instructions issued from the College Council and specific to penalizing any student or beneficiary which are not covered in this manual are considered a part of the manual.

Article Thirty-Four: 

The Managing Director of the College approves the procedural policies and instructions used for the implementation of the articles included in this manual.

Article Thirty-Five:

Arabic is considered the official language to be used in the implementation of this manual.  









Appendix A

The following table represents the least and most severe disciplinary penalties according to their respective violations.

Behavioral Problems


Violation Least Severe Punishment Most Severe Punishment


Submitting forged documents


Final warning


Student is permanently dismissed from the College




Student is given a zero on assessmentStudent is permanently dismissed from the College




Final WarningStudent is permanently dismissed from the College


All types of Harassment


Student is dismissed for one semesterStudent is permanently dismissed from the College


Using any type of narcotic drugs or alcoholic substance


Student is dismissed for one semester + must provide a  conditional report from Al Amal hospital stating he is healthy and that he will be monitored and followed up with random drug testsStudent is permanently dismissed from the College


Distributing any type of narcotic drugs or alcohol substance


Student is permanently dismissed from the College and his case is transferred to concerned authoritiesStudent is permanently dismissed from the College


Lying  or identity theft


Final warning is issued and a formal apology given to the victims in the presence of the directors of both the Guidance and Counseling Unit and the concerned departmentStudent is permanently dismissed from the College


Repeated smoking violation


Final warningStudent is permanently dismissed from the College




Social Problems


Violation Least Severe Penalty Most Severe Penalty
Physically or verbally assaulting any employee or studentFinal warning is issued and formal apology given to the victim/s in the presence of the directors of both the Guidance and Counseling Unit and the concerned department   The student is permanently dismissed from the College
Inciting regional, tribal, sectarian, or vocational  disputes or anything which provokes conflict between studentsFinal warningThe student is permanently dismissed from the College


Academic Problems

Type of Punishment

Violation Least Severe Penalty Most Severe Penalty


Photographing an exam paper or leaving exam venue with an exam paper


Student will fail the course + final warning The student is permanently dismissed from the College
Taking a book from the Library without permission Final warning + fine double the cost of the book and being prohibited from borrowing books from the library in the future and formal apology to the library manager  The student is permanently dismissed from the College
PlagiarismFinal warning


The student is permanently dismissed from the College



Security and Safety Problems


Violation Least Severe Penalty Most Severe Penalty
Intentionally causing false Alarms of damaging alarm devicesFinal Warning + Fine


The student is permanently dismissed from the College


Covering Smoke DetectorsFinal Warning + Final


The student is permanently dismissed from the College



Bypassing security gate or fleeing from checkpoint


Final Warning + Permanent Revocation  of entry permit


The student is permanently dismissed from the College



General Problems


Violation Least Severe Penalty Most Severe Penalty


Failing to respect the rules and regulations of the College


Final Warning


The student is permanently dismissed from the College



Improper behavior in general areas of the College (garden areas, hallways, walkways etc.) 

Final Warning


The student is permanently dismissed from the College





Appendix B

Traffic violations and their respective penalties:

​#Type of violationPenalty
1.Failing to stop at the walkwayFirst violation: Written declaration; Second Violation: 50 SR fine
2.Failing to stop at the stop sign First violation: Written Declaration; Second Violation: 50 SR fine
3.Breaking the security gate armFirst violation: 100SR in addition to cost of arm and installation cost, Second Violation: 200SR in addition to cost of arm and installation cost
4.Using the high beams of car headlightsFirst violation: Written Declaration; Second Violation: 50 SR fine
5.Using the car horn inside of the College campusFirst violation: Written Declaration; Second Violation: 50 SR fine
6.Illegally overtaking another vehicle First violation: Written Declaration; Second Violation: 50 SR fine
7.Failure to have car license plates or failure to properly display them Vehicle will not be allowed to enter the campus
8.Drifting  or similar actions First violation: Seizure of entry permit for one semester; second violation: permanent cancellation of entry permit
9.Losing entry/parking permit, damaging it, placing it on another vehicle, forging it, or allowing someone else to use itThis violation is divided into 4 parts: A, B, C and D
A. Loss of entry permit
In case of providing proof of loss In the case of failing to provide proof of loss

1st time: 100SR

2nd time: 200SR

1st time: 200SR + another permit is not provided for a semester

2nd time: 200SR and permanently banned from having an entry permit

B. Placing entry permit on another vehicle




A car belonging to student or one that he is officially authorized to drive A car not belonging to the student nor one that he is officially authorized to drive

1st time: 100SR fine

+ seizure of entry permit for one semester

2nd time: 200SR fine + and permanently banned from having an entry permit

200SR fine and permanently banned from having an entry permit
C. Forging  of entry permit Student is referred to the College Disciplinary Committee to take necessary measures
D. Usage of a student's entry permit by someone else

1st violation: 100SR fine + no permit being issued for the student for one semester

2nd violation: No permit will ever be issued to the student +referral to Student Disciplinary Committee

10.Failing to obey speed limit or reckless driving

1st violation: Seizure of entry permit for one semester

2nd violation: Permanent seizure of entry permit

11.Obstructing traffic First violation: Written Declaration; Second Violation: 50 SR fine
12.Failure to not have proper vehicle lighting or turn indicators  First violation: Written Declaration; Second Violation: 50 SR fine
13.Illegal turning First violation: Written Declaration; Second Violation: 50 SR fine
14.Driving in the wrong direction 1st Violation: 100 SR; 2nd Violation, seizure of entry permit for one semester
15.Bypassing security gate or fleeing from checkpoint1st. Violation: Clamping the vehicle for 24 hour + 100SR fine and Written declaration; 2nd violation: violator referred to the College Disciplinary Committee
16.Driving on pedestrian walkways or parking on curbs

1st violation: 100 SR + clamping of vehicle for 24 hours or paying 150SR to remove clamp before 24 hours has elapsed + paying for any damage to curb.

2nd violation: 200SR fine + revocation of entry permit + paying for any damage to curb

17.Leaving vehicle unattended in parking space 1st violation: Written Declaration; 2nd violation: 50 SR fine + following any necessary security measures
18.Failure to wear seatbelt  1st  violation: Written Declaration; 2nd violation: 50 SR fine

Parking in unpermitted areas






Parking in front of administration building

1st violation: Written declaration + clamping of vehicle for 24 hours or paying 150 SR to remove clamp.

2nd violation: 50SR fine + clamping vehicle for 24 hours or paying 150SR to remove clamp


1st violation: 100SR fine + revocation of entry permit for one semester

2nd violation: permanent revocation of entry permit

20.Stopping or waiting on the main roads of the College

1st violation: Written declaration + 100SR fine

2nd violation: revocation of entry permit for one semester

21.Vehicles which have no entry permit

1st violation: warning + clamping of vehicle + 150SR fine to remove clamp

2nd violation: violator referred to Disciplinary Committee

22.Removal of parking clamp without first going to Security and Safety Unit or the main gate of the College

For a vehicle which has an entry permit:200SR fine + permanent revocation of entry permit + returning parking clamp or compensation of clamp cost

For a vehicle which does not have an entry permit: 200SR fine + no entry permit being issued for violating student + returning the clamp or compensation for clamp

23.Committing any traffic violation opposing Saudi traffic laws not included in this manual  After studying the violation, necessary measures will be taken by the Security and Safety Unit of the College
  • In the event that a violation is committed a third time, the fine is doubled for all violations. Additionally, for violations 19 and 21, the vehicle will be clamped and for violations 9, 16, and 20, the violating student will have his entry permit permanently revoked.
  • In the event the violation is committed for a fourth time, the entry permit will be suspended for one semester in all circumstances. 
  • In the event that a violation has been committed for a fifth time, the violating student's entry permit will be permanently revoked.
  • The traffic department will be notified so that points are included in the violating student's traffic record when the point system is implemented.


