The Preparatory Year Program

​​Mission Statement

The Foundation English language Program is committed to enabling students to attain a strong threshold level (on the CEFR scale) in English language in order to pursue their academic and vocational education in the sector.


The Levels of Prep-Year program:


    English Programs:​

    The English Prep-Year Program has four independent levels.

    These levels are presented in the following table:

    Course NameCourse CodeDuration (Weeks)​           *CEFR ​​Contact HoursCredit Hours​Prerequisite
    Practical  Lab 
    English A1EL0018A1241​4​Acceptance from RC Colleges and Institutes Sector
    English A2EL0028A2241​4​English A1
    English B1EL0038B1202​4​English A2
    English B1PlusEL0048B1+202​4​Pass English B1

    *Common European Framework for Reference